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- Jan 4 2017, 7:56 AM (425 w, 5 d)
Jan 9 2017
Jan 9 2017
wENNER_WINNER added a comment to T122638: Arma crash "DX11 ERROR: CREATETEXTURE FAILED: E_OUTOFMEMORY".
Thank you for clearing things up. I have made the changes and played around with the game. I got to testing both same and different situations in multiplayer (dont do much single player tbh). I managed to survive longer from receiving errors, but I still have encountered them. I've uploaded a new package.
Jan 6 2017
Jan 6 2017
wENNER_WINNER added a comment to T122638: Arma crash "DX11 ERROR: CREATETEXTURE FAILED: E_OUTOFMEMORY".
Thank you for the replies. Im not sure if this error occurs during single player, im doubtful it does I just cant rule it out. I make sure to verify the cache every once in awhile to prevent any errors, Ill make sure to do it again.
Jan 4 2017
Jan 4 2017