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Sep 6 2013, 12:43 PM (602 w, 4 d)

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May 9 2016

veragodspiel added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Again this issue gives rise to a huge debate. Still the issue remains. Yes or no to women in the game. I'd say that female civilians certainly should be there to add to the general atmosphere and realism of the game when creating an urban environment.

Female soldiers in my opinion also have a role to play. It's a simple fact that more and more armies have female soldiers employed and more and more armies allow them in the front-lines too.
Aside from the simple fact that a female player (or male player for that matter) would possibly like to play a female character there's a few simple reasons why it's not a bad idea to implement.

First of all, it's a stand against sexism and gender discrimination. Nothing to do with the game itself, but every voice raised for this is one for a more equal society.

Secondly, It actually could add a whole new dimension. Some people here say they don't want to shoot at women or would try to save them no matter the risks. Well. that sounds actually as an interesting addition to the game if you think about it.

Third, There are claims that people will abuse to walk around in their underwear. Well...first of all, those kind of people will always find a way to annoy others. Also I see plenty players walk around in their male underwear too. Is that different? And what stops you from joining a different server? Or become a member of a more closed group where that's not allowed?

Fourth, No one is asking for BI to create big breasted, over the top hot sex symbols with a gun. They only ask for representation of females.

Then there's the question of the financial strain or development time needed to add this kind of content.

This is to my opinion the most valid argument against adding a different gender. Yes, it will cost time and money to add something to the game and it remains arguable if these resources would not be better spent on bug fixes and other types of assets. Adding a whole new gender is less time consuming then some would like you to believe, but still time consuming, and I have not the slightest idea what the costs involved would be.

Still, it does not take anything away from my previous points and therefore I'd personally feel that it could very well be time and money well spent.

May 9 2016, 9:17 PM · Arma 3