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- User Since
- Aug 16 2013, 1:45 PM (605 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
I agree its getting there. I can now do some single player Altis missions without a problem. (have not even attempted Altis MP yet)
I do still get the 0 fps issue though. it comes from nowhere.
I could wonder round the main airport for half hour. Go to a spot where i've already been and looked in the same direction and bam. unrecoverable even after going back to main menu. Seems totally random to me on where and when it happens.
Same. Plays fine for a bit the drops to 1fps and does not recover.
Same Just flew over the salt plane towards the sea and dropped to 1 FPS was not able to recover and i had to quit the program and restart
So your running 64 bit ad have the same problem. intersting as i thought it was only 32 bit operating systems
I set mine to something low and unplayable (no change)
You might be right anyone using 64 bit have the same issue?
The only issue i've got with 32 bits is not being able to use my 8 gig of memory. I can only use 4 of it even though 8 is plugged in
Vista home premium sp2 32 bit
AmdFX 4170 quad 4.2 ghz
8 gb ram
Geforce GTX650 1024 mb GDDR5
Same issue here. I can max out alot of the settings on stratis.
Altis FPS is 0 on lowest (I'm using Vista)
When i return to the main menu alter trying altis that is also running so slow.
I'd just like to Report that this is fixed for me now.
I'm not sure if you guys fixed it in an update or the fact that i Manually went in and allowed the actual Bclient DLL through my firewall.
Any Idea when we might get a new battleeye Update?
I'm Enjoying doing some of the missions on steam workshop at the mo but dying to get back in the fight online :)
Yes All seems Good. nice Job
I have exact same problem.
I can join non Battle eye games but not ones with Battle eye enabled.
when battle eye was first introduced i did not have an issue it happened after a battle eye update
Its been like it for weeks but thought i'd be patient and it will get fixed quickly.
I'm Running Vista and it did not fix the problem for me.
I'll wait to hear if it works for others