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- User Since
- Dec 22 2013, 2:52 PM (582 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
timdri1 added a comment to T89635: When a guy dies his body moves away.
R834, it's not the same the body is still above ground level but it just keeps moving to one direction on the x or y-axes.
timdri1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T89635: When a guy dies his body moves away.
timdri1 added a comment to T89633: I don't seem to be able to type a message to other survivors.
I don't mean that but I just can't talk to other people I can type something, but they don't respond to that or know what I ment. I tried it with a lot of people. They tried to talk to me, but instead of typing messages they just use the greeting hand. I think they do that because I don't receive their message.
timdri1 added a comment to T89633: I don't seem to be able to type a message to other survivors.
Anyone has this to?
timdri1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T89633: I don't seem to be able to type a message to other survivors.
timdri1 added a comment to T89577: Items take a long time to appear when dropped..
same here
timdri1 added a comment to T89526: Cant hear other players VOIP Chat or text..
same here
timdri1 added a comment to T86833: Hunger/Thirst/Stamina Rate Too High [PRIMARY REPORT].
You can live 3 weeks without food (3 days without water), so when you eat something it should go from 250/1000 to 700/1000.