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- User Since
- Apr 6 2015, 5:39 PM (519 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
thescott added a comment to T109722: Persistence not working correctly. Tents disappearing..
Placed 3 different tents and reliable servers at 3 different times, mostly stock piling clips and food/drink for inland treks. All 3 tents poof at restart, and of course all loot.
I really like the new patch that puts a heavy weight on self-reliance; farming, hunting, fishing etc. The problem is when you cannot store items in a tent. As a fresh spawn, impossible to carry everything needed: fishing pole, shovel/pickaxe, seeds, water, food, fertilizer, shovel for worms, hatchet for fire wood, etc.
This is a major bug that must be fixed post-haste.
0.55 and beyond in not playable until tent persistence is remedied.