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- User Since
- Mar 31 2020, 3:55 AM (256 w, 16 h)
Apr 11 2020
Before This Issue gets buried Is there anyone reviewing or looking into a solid fix for this? Or at least an update on whats going on? It is a great beta but this issue makes the game basically unplayable. Very Frustrating.
Apr 2 2020
Yea I was noticing the same thing when I played youre right it is like night and day with how long it takes to load. So it is something with the saves getting too big using up all the available memory I was wondering if I just blew through the campaign if Id be able to finish it I just didnt want to wind up crying over another failed attempt if it didnt work lol. You just confirmed it though, thats awesome now we just gotta find a fix for it where it wont matter how long you play in game. I wonder if they removed the "support" missions with insurgents if that would fix it enough or if there was some way to break it up in the middle where most of the world would reset except storage Items and inventory, a nice compromise between the RPG experience and the sandbox world youre actually in. I could see that being an issue as well i.e. I spent about 2 hours attaacking the airport to steal a xi,an VTOL and had no where to store it but the rebel airfield on another island down south. matter of fact that was what i used to infiltrate the tonuka island where csat is. Id have been pissed if all that reset and I didnt have that anymore. I dont know It doesnt seem like theres any way to fix this issue the right way. you either have to blow through the campaign, or have a system so ridiculous that virtual memory doesnt matter.
Apr 1 2020
Also I would like to say for the record I have not tried a system restore as I have seen some have had success with those more extreme measures (one guy said he had to replace his hard drive). Reason being literally everything else works fine. The main Arma game, DLC, and everything else I play work perfectly and these measures seem to be geared more toward people with complete Arma 3 or system failure whereas mine only happens when I try to load one of the saves specifically for the beta.
yeah coxswain yours look alot like mine
If you try to run any of yours in 32- bit do any of the later saves work? It almost seems to me (imo) that because there is soo much going on on the map and the beta runs like one big continuous mission with no interruptions that the files get too big to handle and run out of virtual memory; and the longer you spend in the mission changing things that makes the file bigger eventually it just crashes. I think it doesnt do it while actually playing because its bound by the limitations on each cell of the map it only has to load each cell as you approach or get near, but when you have to reload it has to process everything on the map modified from its original state to call back on later once the player enters the cell and it just devours the memory to the point the system has to protect itself from using all the memory and cuts the program. Again this is my opinion just what it seems like to my limited computer knowledge.
just out of curiousity how much memory are you working with on your system coxswain? Im curious if people with more or less memory availability are having this issue. Because I havent seen any other tickets with this issue however I have seen plenty people complaining about similar issues on the steam forum just not reporting it I guess, so I wonder if its a specific system setup that causes it like something I could go into settings and change or if it only effects those who play a certain way that creates massive save files and draws to much. If it is a memory availability issue like not enough it would seem youd have to have a pretty ridiculous setup in order to have enough to play this.
Mar 31 2020
yes the saves are massive see attached in my original ticket I posted both profile saves the one I had to zip it was soo big, it zipped down to 47 mb but unzipped its about 247 MB and thats close to what the other saves on that profile are the most recent 5 saves are between 238,000 KB to 247,000 KB which is unusually high for a save game file. even on my system i7 7700 ~ 2.80GHz, 16 GB RAM , GTX 1060 video card. before the crash would take about 3-4 min to load then would lag for about the first 5 min into gameplay. can hear my laptop fully ramped up fan running continuously non stop while playing where normally with most other games I play it'll get going about every 10 min then slow down for a bit. Not bragging but this comp is a beast normally I can play No mans sky, Skyrim, Witcher, Doom, No problems No lag laptop relatively quiet. On the last run I managed to get working where I ran the game in 32-bit mode My laptop was practically screaming the whole time so much so I paused and checked to make sure there was nothing online saying not to run old man beta in 32-bit or anything like it.