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- User Since
- Jan 18 2017, 5:28 AM (422 w, 17 h)
Jan 19 2017
Jan 19 2017
stonecold913 added a comment to T122922: Game Crash In campaign or MP with USB headset.
the out of memory error was a fluke. I think the real issue is something to do with the audio drivers or the way that AMRA handles audio. I continued to get crashes all day. It only happens when i have the audio piped through the usb sound of my headset. if i pipe it through any other audio device then the game plays fine.
Jan 18 2017
Jan 18 2017
stonecold913 added a comment to T122922: Game Crash In campaign or MP with USB headset.
deleted my profiles and created a new one. crash on load screen for drawdown
stonecold913 added a comment to T122922: Game Crash In campaign or MP with USB headset.
tried again for the same point in the game crash only this time I received an out of memory crash Crash image
stonecold913 added a comment to T122922: Game Crash In campaign or MP with USB headset.
stonecold913 added a comment to T122922: Game Crash In campaign or MP with USB headset.
I reinstalled the drivers and got further into the drawdown campaign. Until I reached the point where you take control of the UAV. the moment the UAV spun up the game crashed.
stonecold913 added a comment to T122922: Game Crash In campaign or MP with USB headset.