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- User Since
- Mar 26 2019, 10:26 PM (310 w, 6 d)
Mar 27 2019
Mar 27 2019
skelly5267 added a comment to T137754: 1.02 Experimental Base Building Deconstruction/Destroying not working.
Update: The stuff I built(Two walls, Gate and a barrel with items) have now disappeared completely but their hitboxes are still existent within the world. I cannot interact with them nor can I see them.
skelly5267 added a comment to T137749: Buildings Position Updates After Opening Doors.
I've noticed this as well. Might be why the building system is also bugged
skelly5267 updated the task description for T137754: 1.02 Experimental Base Building Deconstruction/Destroying not working.
skelly5267 edited Steps To Reproduce on T137754: 1.02 Experimental Base Building Deconstruction/Destroying not working.