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- User Since
- May 20 2015, 2:15 AM (511 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
sharebear set Category to category:errormessage on T111331: No entry 'bin\config.bin/RscDisplayInventory/Objects/Content.colorLockedBackground'..
sharebear set Category to category:errormessage on T111172: Cannot load material file dz\characters\tops\medicalscrubs_shirt_g.rvmat.
sharebear edited Steps To Reproduce on T111131: floating loot: items spawning outside of tan houses with red brick base..
sharebear added a comment to T111110: Crafting Items disappear.
this happened to me with a cooking pot and gas stove.. pot would not fit in my inventory and disappeared.