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- User Since
- Aug 16 2013, 8:25 PM (603 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
sgt_Savage2003 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72791: Buzzard OR UAV not moving..
sgt_Savage2003 added a comment to T71212: Suggestion: Add camera stabilization to the UAV, and maybe other aircraft eventually..
Yes there needs to be a way to lock the camera on a target and to keep it stabilized. Also like Da12thmonkey said the uav should not have to tilt nose down to fire a laser guided missile.
Also there should be a command fire when a user is in control with the turret/ sight.
sgt_Savage2003 added a comment to T71211: Suggestion: Add a cycle waypoint to the UAV terminal control..
Also there needs to be a take off command. There is a land command and it works but as of the current build there is no way to take the UAv off from the ground.