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User Since
Dec 21 2014, 3:05 AM (533 w, 2 d)

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May 11 2016

seriousCHgamer added a comment to T106601: DayZ Global ban bugg..

Good to know that another hacker is banned for life :-)
Thank you Devs!

Sorry but if you are that stupid to download a hack and then complain about being banned, there is no help for you.

Anybody downloading a cheat a hack or a script should be banned, immediately and forever. Simple as that. Only way to keep the games clean.

May 11 2016, 3:06 AM · DayZ
seriousCHgamer added a comment to T106601: DayZ Global ban bugg..

Running cheat engine for another game? Really :-)
Mmhh, time to clean up with ppl like you. I vote for lifetime ban.

Here is my solution for hackers and cheaters as they obviously take over and ruin the fun of ever game lately.

Ban from game for life
Ban from Steam for life
Make a public Mug Shot of any of his Profiles and IP and publish on the Web.

Maybe that way those kids stop to spend money on hacks and cheats!

Also YouTube, FB and any other video site should treat public display of hacks as pornography and delete user accounts.

Tired of them!!!

May 11 2016, 3:06 AM · DayZ
seriousCHgamer added a comment to T106521: HACKERS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Do you think you accomplish anything this way? Using vulgar words in Caps? Maybe try to actually contribute something to improve the game or keep your comments for your buddies on TS. I assume they all talk the same way. Thank you.

Yes hackers are an issue in this game (as for many other games as well). A week ago we played the three of us on the FL 2-6 server and within 5 minutes, we saw and killed 3 hackers. The appear out of nowhere (teleport). It's annoying but at least you have a good chance of actually still kill them :-)

May 11 2016, 3:02 AM · DayZ