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User Since
Nov 20 2014, 3:21 PM (536 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

ricardo-reis added a comment to T106870: Burlap Wrap (for mosin) not possible to be created.

i've mentioned it as in the recipes wiki there's still the burlap wrap.

tried your suggestions and worked.

May 11 2016, 3:17 AM · DayZ
ricardo-reis edited Steps To Reproduce on T106870: Burlap Wrap (for mosin) not possible to be created.
May 11 2016, 3:17 AM · DayZ
ricardo-reis added a comment to T105378: water bottle doesn't work .51 EXP.

this actually happens with the canteens as well. i think they've addressed the issue already.

no waterpumps allow you to refill any container.

(btw, if this gets seen, please allow to drink water on pumps without a container - not to carry, ok, but in real life you can drink water from a pump without having a bottle) ;)

May 11 2016, 2:18 AM · DayZ