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Feb 7 2014, 7:08 PM (581 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

priq added a comment to T94711: PLAY 10 MIN AND DROP FPS (0,5 SECOND FREEZES).

Next time you maybe should take a look at the actual tickets.

Same has been posted here before:


May 10 2016, 8:04 PM · DayZ
priq added a comment to T94688: Extremely FPS-drops after new patch!!! From ~ 40 fps to 5-10 fps!!!.

Yup, thought I've thrown away all that bad flickering stuff. But just found some Spite in my protectorcase!
Since I threw them away, I don't have any problems. Seems to work.

If you don't know what we're talking about:
Just to explain what that "flickering" means.

May 10 2016, 8:03 PM · DayZ
priq added a comment to T94688: Extremely FPS-drops after new patch!!! From ~ 40 fps to 5-10 fps!!!.

Same for me. Logged in, just sittin' in a building. 60 FPS / 30% GPU-usage. The frames keep dropping till 0FPS / 60% GPU-usage (??).
Temperatures OK, CPU OK, RAM OK
GPU-memory usage: ~1400MB (got 3072MB).

Not sure what causes this effects to happen. But it's unplayable at the moment. Especially if you think of the 30sec logout-delay which is (of course) triggered by stopping DayZ.exe if you can't move any more (because of zero FPS).

*System specs:
i5 3570k@4,3GHz
2x4GB 1333MHz DDR3-RAM
Gigabyte Windforce x3 ATI Radeon 7970@1000MHz (stock)
Win7 Pro 64bit
Gamefiles on "normal" HDD

My mate got the same problem with nearly the same setup but the GPU. It's a Nvidia GTX660 for him.

May 10 2016, 8:03 PM · DayZ
priq added a comment to T94688: Extremely FPS-drops after new patch!!! From ~ 40 fps to 5-10 fps!!!.

Just logged in again to see what happens to the GPU-memory (posted my system setup couple ago above!)

-Logged in. As I said before: ~60fps / 800MB memory used GPU ~ 50 %
-Ran around, small city and forest (like 2mins after I joined the server): 40 FPS / 1200MB used GPU still at ~ 50 %
-finally, 5mins later I dropped to zero frames and the game completely freezes. The last information my overlay reported was "FPS 0.5 / Memory: 1973MB / GPU load 13 %"

At least one of us 5 players is able to play, he's playing with the GTX660 w/ 2GB memory.

We've checked our settings; we've got the same texture/video... settings set.

2 of us have their guns painted. But it doesn't matter I think, the other guys haven't painted their weapons and had the same error occuring.

May 10 2016, 8:03 PM · DayZ
priq added a comment to T94688: Extremely FPS-drops after new patch!!! From ~ 40 fps to 5-10 fps!!!.

Just discovered the following (if your FPS are constantly dropping and not from 60 to 0)

Join any server.
Wait until let's say 15 FPS have been reached.
ALT+TAB out of the game.
Tab into the game again.

I've had 60FPS after I tabbed to my desktop and switched to the game again. oO

Could anyone confirm this?

May 10 2016, 8:03 PM · DayZ