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- User Since
- Jul 8 2014, 3:09 PM (559 w, 2 d)
Jan 26 2017
Jul 13 2016
So the current stat is, like it was before APEX Update.
Jul 12 2016
Yeah. I also liked that feature for zoomed scopes. I really got annoyed as I found out that in the release version of Apex, it was gone.
May 10 2016
I have the same problem...
Alway failure loop. I cannot even try the mission...
Sure they go in Conflict, but that doesn't bother. because you cannot fly both at the same time. Therefore, it is ok :)
Same here!
Soundcard ASUS Xonar DG
Headphones Superlix HD681 B
Speakers Logitech Z-4
The thing behind This is, that there should be an Option to deactivate TrackIR while looking through a scope.
Like you were using 2D scopes.
I personally would not to have the possibility to look left and right while zooming.
This would be the ultimate solution: An option whether you want to use TrckIR or not while looking through a scope.
May be so, but this sensitivity goes as global setting. I have adjusted the sens, and it works, but if you enter the view of a zoomed scope the sensitivity is extremely high compared to the normal view.
Oh and I use FacetrackNoIR with a 3 point clip and the free track protocol and fake TrackIR.exe.
I second this. Please deactivate TrackIR when aimed down with a zoom scope!
It makes the TrackIR/Freetrack highly sensitive and nearly uncontrolable
Dunno. windows 10 is working very good on my Rig. Just stay in Slow Ring, and no Probs here.
The Only Thing is, that I can'T update to Build 10130. But My Rig is always reverting the Update, because of, no function :)
I agree with FrankHH
This was suggested long time ago and is not working.
@DarkWanderer: Personally I am very happy that you also discuss with us. Someone that has the knowledge and is helping, is very nice to see.
@DarkWanderer / @oukej: Do you know if it is possible for me to add this line that DarkWanderer mentioned, for myself, to test if it works ingame? If yes, in which file and line should we add this?
Or is it only possible for the devs?
">> I suppose the only workaround would be to not query for devices when opening options - either optionally, or as a change to default behavior."
AFAIK this is how 90% of the games i know behave, and I think this is the best solution.
Every game I know, also very old games, only detect a controller, when it is plugged in before you start the game. Every control plugged in afterwards won't be recognized by the game.
I think this would be the best solution. (my personal opinion)
@Xerrass: Yes, me! I have the same problem like you have. My controllers only disconnect when I open the controls settings.
On Windows 10 TP (actual and also in january) this didn't happen!
Problem only exists on Win 8/8.1! Win 10 no problems!
Today I recognized something on my Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals.
After 5 seconds on the desktop suddenly my Status Indication LED on the PEdals turned off. When I entered the control panel it turned on again. After 5 secs, again turned off.
Opening the gamecontroller settings it turned on again, and after some seconds off.
When I opened the Preferences of my Saitek Pedals the LED turned on again and didn't turn off until I closed the properties Window.
I did all the registry settings to disable the Power Savings on USB Devices, but still Windows 8 / 8.1 seems to be very aggressive with it's power management.
2 or 3 months ago I had Windows 10 TP installed. It worked fine.
It seems that it has something to do with ARMA used on Win8/8.1
I upradet to Win 10 Technical Preview, and have no problems anymore.
Using it since a month
A little Update on this one!
Yestarday I reinstalled the OS of my computer. Because of ARMA being installed on C:\ (instead of my standard STEAM folder on E:\) I also redownloaded ARMA.
I think it has something to do with ARMA on Windows 8/8.1, because the OS I installed was Windows 10 Technical Preview.
With Win10TP I had no problem for at least 2 hours on a french Wasteland Server.
From time to time I checked my "settings>Controllers" menu, and my Controllers, a Saitek X52 Pro, Saitek Rudder Pedals, Logitech G25 Wheel haven't disappeared.
Many of my friends who have Win7 installed have no problem, and many here in this thread report, that they have Win 8/8.1 installed I think it has something to do with that.
I dunno if you have read the thread, but it is not the problem, that there are the settings wiped. The problem is, that the Controllers disappear in the settings when you enter them in a Multiplayer game.
Hello oukej.
All summer up points are correct.
I also tried your last mentioned step. Unfortunately it didn't work. :(
This has nothing to do with the Problem itself.
That you habe to start the Engine manually is working as intended. This function was working like this in TKoH also, ans was also communicated by Bohemia that it is functioning like this.
If you disconnect a controller in mid game, then it is normal that the game won't recognize it anymore.
What I know is this normal in EVERY game i know. :)
It got better since the 1.26 Update.
Since then the joystick just disconnected after 20 minutes when you enter the options... But since the hotfix the joystick instantly disconnects when you enter the options.
(In Multiplayer)
Lately I had it in Single Player Scenario!
But after 20 minutes it was there again!
In multiplayer by now it just disconnects instantly, or also when I do not open the controls options. It just doesn't work in Multiplayer
Yes! This error also occurs when there is also just one Controller connected, and has also nothing to do with the presence of of a XBOX360 controller!
But yesterday I had something weird going on!
MY X52 Pro disappeared again. But after some time playing I went back to the options to find out what key was used for some specific action I wanted to do.
Suddenly my helicopter reacted to the joystick. It was suddenly there again!
Same here with Saitek X52 Pro!
But I found out, that it always happens to me when I have more than on "controller" connected.
I have connected the following things via USB:
Standard connected:
- Razer Black Widow Keyboard
- Steelseries Rival Mouse
- Roccat USB Bungee
- Webcam for selfmade TrackIR
Following controllers I have tested:
- Saitek X52 Pro (if this alone is connected I have no problem)
- Logitech G25
- XBOX360 Controller
- Speedlink XBOX360 Style Controller
If one of the last 3 is connected in addition to my Saitek Joystick, then I have the problem, that the controllers, except for the Freetrack/TrackIR are disconnected in the options.
It works for some time, that I can change the controls. But after some time when I enter the controls menu they are disappeared.
Freetrack/TrackIR are still in the list and working though.
May 9 2016
Just saw that ticket, and would HIGHLY appreciate it!
This would add enormous immersion to the game for me.
I hate it when you look through a scope and EVERYTHING even outside the scope gets zoomed in.
I mean, come on guys, if even CoD can do it, then it should be no problem for you :)