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- User Since
- Jul 28 2013, 2:51 AM (608 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
peterpanda edited Steps To Reproduce on T72542: please add the handgun inside the Holster otherwise the holster does not make any sence.
peterpanda edited Steps To Reproduce on T72478: wy there aren´t any NATO/CSAT Jet`s/planes.
peterpanda added a comment to T70419: waves should spew (break).
i dont know how it gets there
wtf i f"$%&"ing pic
peterpanda edited Steps To Reproduce on T70419: waves should spew (break).
peterpanda added a comment to T70413: gasmasks and gas.
yes but i think maybe for a hostage cenario it should be nice or there are alot of different ways to use it ... also soldier
peterpanda added a comment to T70413: gasmasks and gas.
no bit a police unit maybe
tey are also in arma 3
peterpanda added a comment to T70413: gasmasks and gas.
maybe but BI also could add teargas or thometing like that
peterpanda edited Steps To Reproduce on T70413: gasmasks and gas.
peterpanda edited Steps To Reproduce on T70412: police special force.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
peterpanda added a comment to T61468: You can't deploy swimmers from helicopters.
this has to work with the get_out waypoints
nice idea