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- User Since
- Jun 22 2015, 4:09 PM (508 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
petarSTRONK set Category to category:items on T112487: Items not respawning.
petarSTRONK added a comment to T112199: [CRITICAL] Firing a weapon sometimes gets only registered on the client side, making it look like the bullets do not work.
I've noticed the same thing. First I thought it was up to me or Internet. but now I see that this is a global problem.
petarSTRONK set Category to category:items on T112176: A lot of items that should come with the update are not spawning - some examples:.
petarSTRONK added a comment to T111794: Batteries appear to not be spawning..
same here, didn't see one yet