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May 17 2015, 9:58 PM (513 w, 6 d)

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May 11 2016

peroxo added a comment to T114052: authentication error. client not responding.

issue resolved. Steam servers had some trouble over the weekend

May 11 2016, 7:17 AM · DayZ
peroxo added a comment to T113848: Lag Switch Exploit.

maybe you can't directly pull out the cable but deactivate the internet in the router settings, so that the connection to the router still remains active but no packages are sent to the server. And the router resends them when becoming back active

May 11 2016, 7:11 AM · DayZ
peroxo added a comment to T113848: Lag Switch Exploit.

I recorded the video by myself. My buddy can also confirm this behaviour. He walked further with that guy and he did this trick on and on with random people on the server. Server performance was okay for us two. No lag or desync between us. Just this guy doing this thing.

May 11 2016, 7:11 AM · DayZ
peroxo edited Steps To Reproduce on T113848: Lag Switch Exploit.
May 11 2016, 7:11 AM · DayZ
peroxo added a comment to T113119: hit some invisible object with my V3S near Drozhino.

maybe correlated to my bug:
The truck behaved similar

May 11 2016, 6:47 AM · DayZ
peroxo added a comment to T113067: Enterable rock between Blunt Rocks and Black Lake.

can confirm. the rock has no collision and you can run right through it.

May 11 2016, 6:45 AM · DayZ
peroxo edited Steps To Reproduce on T113066: Misplaced rails near Novodmitrovsk & Svetlojarsk.
May 11 2016, 6:45 AM · DayZ
peroxo added a comment to T113063: V3S crashes in invisble horde of cows.

maybe i should mention that when the cow horde has run away I could drive through the invisible border without problems. It should really been the cows i was hitting

May 11 2016, 6:45 AM · DayZ
peroxo edited Steps To Reproduce on T113063: V3S crashes in invisble horde of cows.
May 11 2016, 6:45 AM · DayZ
peroxo added a comment to T113011: Sudden hypothermia.

Had shaking hands but no cold or anything. Made a fire -> "rapidly warming up" then the hypothermia message appeared from nowhere. After around 4 - 5min I died from the hypothermia instantly without the screen going totally black/white from loosing blood.
On 0.58.128916

May 11 2016, 6:43 AM · DayZ
peroxo added a comment to T112739: installation of car battery isnt possible when car has items in the top of inventory.

that is not completely right. the space for the battery has to be free anywhere in the truck. I think while the drag and drop the system checks if there is 4x2 slots free in the inventory before placing it inside. If it is free the battery goes in the "attachement"-slot. If not it goes red. Just to clarify the situation

May 11 2016, 6:35 AM · DayZ
peroxo added a comment to T110954: Duping of weapons on Experimental.

It is further possible to dupe weapons by a similar methode.
If you hold your weapon in your hands and do some interactions, so that the weapon has to be taken out of the hands (e.g. drinking, eating...) the weapon gets taken into the hands after the interaction finishes. Now the weapon is in your inventory with the hand symbol (stuck, so not moveable) and you hold it in your hands (usable). If you relog now the weapon in the inventory has not the hand symbol anymore and is not stuck anymore and is a complete dupe of the weapon in the hands.
It is also possible to duplicate the ammunition and magazines with which the weapons are loaded at the moment of duping

May 11 2016, 5:37 AM · DayZ