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- User Since
- Jul 21 2014, 12:44 PM (554 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
sorry to say, but i need to uninstall the c++ packages, cant use the application publisher.exe as well- because my pc had some issues after installing these packages.
i had to do a systemrestore cause after install the c++ packages,suddenly my screen just show my windows8-color blank, that nver happen before. so in a nutshell- could you pls make the launcher and BIS applications in the Tools folder work without these packages? now iam stuck into situation, that i cant update my addons @workshop- sad
first i installed the x64 and arm and the x86 aswell, then somehow it works- i hope they will fix steam to do this , instead of manual
thx iceman
Solution found
ok- i install the x86 driver again- and it works!
win8 - x64 - stabel build&dev - uacoff
no changes after installing all these packages /netfram64
ok uploaded new rpt
ok uploaded new stable and dev rpt
i really need the addon implementation to upload my addon to workshop asap
on dev build and uac off - still show steam is offline.
arma3launcher-rpt-devbuild_uacoff_217_1230.rar is mine