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Jan 29 2014, 10:08 PM (582 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

omni_squirrel added a comment to T92878: Desync character lost.

I've noticed that some servers actually have different inventories...I was able to switch between the two, again, both with different inventories (and both were hardcore servers). If that happens, keep trying to connect to the same server, to rule that possibility out.

May 10 2016, 6:53 PM · DayZ
omni_squirrel added a comment to T91923: Random You are Dead.

I've heard that if you're running on the second story of a building, at a window, the server thinks you're still running, and therefore thinks you ran straight off the second/third story. Try walking while on the second story of a building, be very careful.

May 10 2016, 6:23 PM · DayZ
omni_squirrel added a comment to T91923: Random You are Dead.

If you are walking, well, then that is strange.

May 10 2016, 6:23 PM · DayZ
omni_squirrel added a comment to T90278: Problem with the Public Hive....

At the time of my posting this comment, they are going to work on introducing a punishment for server-hopping. Although, in my opinion, I believe it is a bit too small (wait times for changing servers).

Unless those wait times are HUGE, it's still viable to server-hop. Which is disgusting, really.

May 10 2016, 5:27 PM · DayZ
omni_squirrel added a comment to T88046: Desynced Playerkill.


So if you notice ^ happening to you, I think I found a way to (sort of) fix it. You have to leave the area, then log out, restart your game, and come back in. You should no longer be lagging...but you probably won't be able to go wherever it is that you desynched at. At least, you shouldn't stay there long.

May 10 2016, 4:04 PM · DayZ
omni_squirrel added a comment to T88046: Desynced Playerkill.

SHORTER: Confirmed, massive and periodic network strain at the northwestern airstrip, mostly when entering the western most two story building, and the hangars. When I connect back, unable to switch weapons or use items.

LONGER:Somewhat confirmed here on my end as well. I have a rather low-end connection, and twice now that I've been to the airfield, I've had MASSIVE spikes of network strain. They are periodic, especially when I enter the hangers or the western-most two-story building. However, I've never been able to see other players or anything, but they've been able to see me moving in real-time as I did so. My friends did not have the same issue, even though one is living in Australia (albeit with a better connection than mine, most likely with more bandwidth).

(Also, to clarify, by my "low end" connection, I mean it should, technically, only be a step below standard DSL. Our speed is fine, however, our bandwidth is laughable. Any video or web page loading debilitates our connection whatsoever, usually spiking our latencies above 1000ms.)

Just because...I'll upload my net log as well.

May 10 2016, 4:04 PM · DayZ