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- User Since
- Jan 23 2015, 1:30 AM (530 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
I just died from this while trying to cook my rabbit and cow steaks :(
I was healthy, hydrated and energized, I ran to a pond a few metres away and rolled around in the water, but still came very close to death. Then I went back to the fireplace and it happened again instantly even though I was drenched, and this time I died in less than two seconds.
The status messages ("my face is melting" etc.) are the only indication that you are on fire, so if you're not paying attention (e.g. because you're monitoring cooking meat) you could easily die without even knowing what happened. One might expect some screams and flames.
This was a fireplace in a stove in a house, if it makes any difference.
The above may also have been due to taking an extremely hot pot full of cooking food into my hands for several seconds.
I tried again, this time dragging the pot from the fireplace directly onto the ground when monitoring it, instead of into my hands, and avoided setting myself on fire this time.
But again, merely holding an extremely hot pot full of food should not cause your entire body to catch fire.
This happens to me when my character is posing behind the main menu holding a small protector case in his hands. My audio device is the VIA VT1708S chipset built into my Asus M4A78LT-M motherboard with the latest AMD-supplied drivers.
I don't know if it's important but on both occasions the deer herds were located very near to where I logged in to the server.
Same issue twice in two days. One deer was clipping through the wall of a shed. Attached screenshots.
It's not just a missing status message, because
(a) The player can have body temp of 35 (measured by thermometer) indefinitely with no negative effects other than the shaking.
(b) Fire seems to be the only way to increase body temp in this state.
May 10 2016
0.59 stable, my geared character was wiped on 12-02-2016 on server "DayZ UK 2-17 (Public/Veteran)". I logged out to answer the call of nature, logged back into the same server a couple of minutes later and suddenly I was a freshspawn. Also my FPS dropped to 4, but that may have been due to the number of zombies in the area where I spawned.