User Details
- User Since
- Mar 28 2013, 10:39 PM (622 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Assassin's Creed III : Works fine. *
Battlefield Bad Company 2 : Had to disable shadows to make in work, either way it would crash.
Battlefield 3 : Works fine, but some occasional crash while loading a map (happens once in a while)(Ati drivers crash)
Crysis 2 : Works fine *
Crysis 3 Alpha : I was invited in the alpha but as soon as I loaded a map and joined the game it crashed. (Not sure but it was a similar error as ArmA 3
Far Cry 3 : Works fine *
Sniper elite V2 : Works fine
The Showdown Effect : Works fine
World of Warcraft : Works fine
- All of these may have occurred a crash (can't remember), but it happened like a very few time.
Same problem, still not working. It loads for like 1/4 then crash.
Set my CPU back to normal, still not working.
Also, after the first crash, it often crashes in the main menu, and I have to delete the arma 3 folder in the Documents directory to make it work again.
Everything is up-to-date, and I tried everything you listed but the overclock one.
I'm going to downclock my CPU back to normal and try again.
Thanks for advice.
Had to delete the game, nothing worked, still can't play.
I stay tuned for other updates.
Tried reinstalling the game, still not working.