After clicking on play and selecting any showcase the game crashes during the loading screen of the showcase.
Sometimes it gives me a black screen, the game window disappear while the process is still there. Sometime it crash giving me this error: "D3D error - DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED"
sometimes it gives me a DX11 erorr (can't remember what it says)
{F18531} {F18532}
- Legacy ID
- 642614091
- Severity
- Crash
- Resolution
- Suspended
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- Game Crash
1- Start the game.
2- When in the main menu click play.
3- Chose a showcase mission then click play.
4- after the first short loading click play again.
I've been checking different reports similar to mine. Tried some solution they were given but nothing works.
Down here are the crash ump reports
Event Timeline
Had to delete the game, nothing worked, still can't play.
I stay tuned for other updates.
- Can you try please install latest graphic and sound drivers? Usage of drivers cleaner before installing new drivers will make sure you have no corrupted drivers left on computer.
- Can you try please install latest DirectX runtime (
- When you have overclock your hardware, please try go back to default values.
- When you use speed fan software, so try set to default values.
- Try disable VSYNC.
- Try set shadows quality to Standard
Can you try on low overall quality settings?
Everything is up-to-date, and I tried everything you listed but the overclock one.
I'm going to downclock my CPU back to normal and try again.
Thanks for advice.
Set my CPU back to normal, still not working.
Also, after the first crash, it often crashes in the main menu, and I have to delete the arma 3 folder in the Documents directory to make it work again.
Can you try create simple mission in editor? Add one soldier like player and then start through preview button and let me know what happened. Thank you.
Assassin's Creed III : Works fine. *
Battlefield Bad Company 2 : Had to disable shadows to make in work, either way it would crash.
Battlefield 3 : Works fine, but some occasional crash while loading a map (happens once in a while)(Ati drivers crash)
Crysis 2 : Works fine *
Crysis 3 Alpha : I was invited in the alpha but as soon as I loaded a map and joined the game it crashed. (Not sure but it was a similar error as ArmA 3
Far Cry 3 : Works fine *
Sniper elite V2 : Works fine
The Showdown Effect : Works fine
World of Warcraft : Works fine
- All of these may have occurred a crash (can't remember), but it happened like a very few time.
Yes, another person recently started having the same issue. See topic below. Any new information would be appreciated.
Issue closed as obsolete. If you encounter this problem again, please create another ticket. Thank you.