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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 9:54 PM (624 w, 4 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
nhagyavi added a comment to T58753: The game lags even with good specifications.
I have tried to disable the shadows, Anti-aliasing, Anisotropic filtering, and post processing but still same FPS as I reported.
nhagyavi added a comment to T58753: The game lags even with good specifications.
Hm. Okey. But it lags more with everything on low. I have my drivers updated to the latest sharped (not BETA) version.
nhagyavi added a comment to T58753: The game lags even with good specifications.
Yea. It seems to be so :) But I hope the performance will be greatly improved in the final version.
nhagyavi edited Steps To Reproduce on T58753: The game lags even with good specifications.