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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 12:29 AM (623 w, 2 d)
May 9 2016
@Kumeda, I agree with your point. The only reason I decide to interject on this topic was because I can't help but notice how much of a tangent the discussion has gone off to and the number of trolls etc that occupy here. But yes, feature suggestion are perfectly fine.
@MaJoR Mole: I'm glad that worked out well.
@MaJoR Mole: if I'm understanding you correctly. Yes, I think at this present stage of Alpha testing, I think the inclusion/exclusion of female models have little to no real value in project development, and other matters such as game mechanics and engine optimization should take precedence over this. That being said however, moving to you second point, in no way do I think having female soldier models made by BI for the final game will have any negative impact on the quality of the game, if anything, it will be a lovely addition to the franchise.
As someone who's been with the franchise since 2003, there has been numerous time when I'm making a custom mission and had hoped for more female models. But I have never considered the lack of these models as a "fault" with the game. And as history as shown, there are plenty of female based addon a available.
In short, it will be a nice feature to have, but for a game like ArmA, there are more pressing matters at hand during Alpha testing.
At first I thought this feature might be a nice addition, but as it happens, it turns out this "request for feature" has became a chat-room for trolls, people with utter lack of respect, self-righteous entitlement-ists and the few that tries to make a decent point without excess use of language is viciously attacked upon.
As I have made clear in my first post here, I couldn't care less if there are females in the game or not. What does bother me is that there are people here who are claiming (implying in some cases) that BI is committing a hate crime of some kind by not having female soldiers in the game. Well, let me ask these people something, should I start ranting all over the face of the planet that BI has no Asian/Indian/Indigenous Australian/American Indian player characters in their game, and barring the modders, demand also that BI make the above ethnicity groups as authentic as possible since I'm not a white/black male? NO! BI is making an authentic war simulator, and last time I looked, player model gender can hardly be considered an authenticity factor, and since BI has a long standing history of military training software (VBS franchise) which are used by NATO and US forces, they haven't said, oh look, our female soldiers can use this to train because there is a model for them, get outta of here.
And also let me remind you all, that the ArmA franchise is set in ArmA-univers, hence why I have said it's at the developer's discretion to choose to include them or not. Since frankly, there could even a third un-mentioned gender in ArmA-vers if the devs wanted (god forbid though). And why is it that all of you are here banging to BI about equality all of a sudden, I didn't see anyone complaining to Activision/EA over the lack of female models in COD/Battlefield.
So can we please all agree to disagree that we can't reach an agreement on said matter here, and let this the devs focus on the game's actual development and optimization, because it's topics like these that has no immediate importance to game's improvement that upsets people such as me who are actually testing the game for bugs and compiling bug&optimization reports and are actually trying to improve the darn game.
P.S. Can we stop adding nonsense to this topic since I would like to go through my night without have 50 email alerts waking me up, let's see if you can keep a polite tone after all of that interuptions!
Seconded on locking up this topic, this is something in all essence, that should be discussed in the forum under "general" not feedback/issue tracker.
Independent of what I think of whether or not BI needs to implement female soldiers in the game, I would like to kindly remind you all that this is Feedback/Issue tracker for an Alpha Build software which is meant to address gameplay, graphics, engine, engine, GUI, config, audio etc kind of issues, the topic proposed here is a content request that is irrelevant to the building and testing of the game. So can we please stop with this rant. Like many has said, it's at BI's discretion to decide what content will be in the Alpha/Final product and if that's not the case, you can mod one yourself or wait for someone else to.