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Dec 17 2013, 1:41 PM (588 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

msu-welle added a comment to T94942: Spawning in the water unconcious..

My friend has the same problem on every server he has tried yet. I am able to play normal on all of the servers.
At starting he gets the message "No entry: C:/users/ [...]/DayZ/DayZ.config.3D_Performance". Maybe, that is related to the problem.

May 10 2016, 8:13 PM · DayZ
msu-welle added a comment to T91641: Game Crashes and the player position is restet about 4 min back.

Related to #2405.

May 10 2016, 6:14 PM · DayZ
msu-welle added a comment to T90649: Bouncing back game freeze.

I think, it's the same as issue #2405.

May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
msu-welle added a comment to T88827: Teleportation bug leading into total freeze of game.

Same happened to me and a friend. I was near NWAF and wanted to go back south, when I was teleported from Zelenogorsk back to airfield and a second time when I wanted to enter Cherno and was teleported back to Balota.

A friend went from Kamenka to Komarovo and was teleported back to Kamenka.

Every time, we could't do anything despite closing the game via the task manager.

Edit: Maybe it is important to say, that it happened on the same server but not at the same time. My friend was able to continue playing while I was teleported, so it does not appear to be a big server lag.

May 10 2016, 4:35 PM · DayZ
msu-welle added a comment to T87166: Climbing ladder inside medium appartment building in outskirts of Cherno will make you fall down and break legs..

I think, it's the same as in #290.

May 10 2016, 3:19 PM · DayZ