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- User Since
- Apr 13 2015, 8:02 PM (514 w, 5 d)
Sep 9 2016
Sep 9 2016
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
mrluca added a comment to T82216: Tracers don't work indoors.
That's true, but if you get into the hall, the distance should be enough. Also, the distance outside between ignition and the weapon is less than the lenght of the room.
mrluca edited Steps To Reproduce on T82216: Tracers don't work indoors.
mrluca added a comment to T82186: Sound output device doesn't change/mutes.
Well, that's the only program that needs a restart...
In every other game you have a option to choose the output device!
Then pls change the post to future request and mark it as new
mrluca edited Steps To Reproduce on T82186: Sound output device doesn't change/mutes.
mrluca added a comment to T82129: Can't kill swimming enemies.
I know that effect, but what if you shoot with a .50 caliber round or any other LMG? There is still no effect, even if you shoot on the head, which is above the water level...
mrluca edited Steps To Reproduce on T82129: Can't kill swimming enemies.