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Apr 7 2013, 1:52 PM (624 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

motorizer added a comment to T65204: Blindfire.

As long as it actually is blind fire and not like rainbow 6 vegas or deus ex where it is a way to see round corners without exposing yourself

May 10 2016, 1:51 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

And besides, what does a mod have to do with a feature request for the base game?
You could say that about every issue on this board "let modders fix it"
This is a request for BIS to do it.

I don't get why so many are getting so angry that some people are asking some other people to do something, on a forum that allows them to do so....

May 9 2016, 9:15 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Of course it will be abused... so what? does it matter that it will be abused? what harm will it do?
just play with like minded people of a realistic server, or set up your own game and kick the immature players.
Not adding features because people can abuse them is not a good road to start going down. No character model could ever be abused as seriously as voice communication for example.
They wont suddenly become serious players just because there are no women. can't abuse a sandbox....

May 9 2016, 9:08 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Well with the recent news that the campaign will be released in stages as free DLC it sounds like they are releasing but continuing to add content,

so I guess it wouldn't delay anything much if they were added in after release

May 9 2016, 9:06 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

That note is all well and good, but we are not arguing for women in the military in real life, that isn't our decision, what we are asking for is female models in a SANDBOX GAME that have a full range of animations, so that they can be used by mission makers, female players order to add women to roles where they do make sense, or add to the story in a single player mission.

It's a game, and the campaign missions in the game are likely to be unrealistic anyway...

May 9 2016, 9:00 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

@trooper226 Iranian women may not be able to pick up a dodgeball without getting a wrench thrown at them, I don't know...but they do have a lot of women fighters in the basij militia

May 9 2016, 8:58 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

I can't see BIS adding bimbos with DD breasts, they are more likely to do it tastefully than modders

Anything can be abused, hell, you can build a battlebus in arma 2, how realistic is that?
That is no reason not to add it, you can already play with immature kids now who spoil it...
just find some like minded people to play with

also it's a modelling and animation issue, so something for the 3d modellers to look at, someone else should be sorting all the major issues

May 9 2016, 8:52 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

It will get no more bad attention than fallout or all the other hugely successful games where you can do all that stuff... you can blow up and shoot women in vanilla arma 2 now, but they just can't defend that somehow better?

Agree with suicideking about the resources thing, I really do hope that it's not the 3d artists who are doing the bug fixes and balancing.

I don't think modding them will be impossible without the original skeletons, it just means you would have to mod the male stuff, or make new stuff and rig it to the male skeleton, there are already youtube tutorials for doing that, but it would be more work for a modder than it would for the dev team, and the end result would probably not be as good.

May 9 2016, 8:47 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

You said there would be servers full of people using it, now you say it won't be popular...explain please

May 9 2016, 8:38 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.


Arguing against something because it would be a popular addition seems a bit counter intuitive :-D

May 9 2016, 8:38 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Jazon the whinging comment wasn't aimed at you, but at most of the thread
at least you gave reasons even if we disagree

May 9 2016, 8:32 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

The main No1 issue about it seems to be people whinging

May 9 2016, 8:32 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

the hitbox thing is only applicable in multiplayer and could be avoided with an optional server setting to force players to use the same model

anyway you could say the same about having different guns, some are more accurate

life isn't fair

anyway as far as seeing a difference, the people who would notice are the people who want to play as them and get a gruff voice and a pair of gnarly hairy arms

May 9 2016, 8:31 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

The main argument against seems to boil down to "I don't want it so I don't want you to have it" or arguments about them being allowed on the front, which kind of ignores the fact that you might not spend 100% of the game on the front line

saying "mod it in" isn't really practical as it means cobbling something together on the male skeleton, and it would be better for modders if they were in from the start,

I'm not a fan of zombie mods but some people are and they would have been better with fully animated females

also one of the best mods I had was namalsk crisis, which had a female protagonist who wasn't a front line soldier...the creator had to modify a male character to make her..

It's s sandbox game, not everyone has to be a front line soldier in every mission, the more content, the more possibilities for the sandbox..that goes for everything....not just female soldiers...
Why limit things for mission makers?

and it's easy enough to not use them if you don't want to

May 9 2016, 8:20 PM · Arma 3
motorizer added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

So women aren't allowed in combat roles...

How realistic is it that every single soldier you see throughout the entire game is in a frontline combat role? do combat soldiers avoid ever working with anyone else?

upvoted to maintain realism :-)

(and for the sake of mods, a sandbox game with an editor should have as few restrictions as possible)

not important at alpha stage though....

May 9 2016, 8:14 PM · Arma 3