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User Since
Feb 4 2014, 9:13 PM (580 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

momo91 added a comment to T94898: Unable to pick item back up.

Ok how does that help the situation ? This happened to me before I posted on the forum it is obviously a problem still.

May 10 2016, 8:11 PM · DayZ
momo91 set Category to category:items on T94898: Unable to pick item back up.
May 10 2016, 8:11 PM · DayZ
momo91 added a comment to T94472: Charactor restarts after log out.

My buddy who was in my squad when we logged last night had his gear deleted but the third person in our group spawned but with gear from 2 days ago like some of you have mentioned.

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
momo91 set Category to category:characters on T94472: Charactor restarts after log out.
May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
momo91 added a comment to T92615: Glitch deaths....

I tried to "be careful" again on the wrecked freighter ship and went right through the handrails and fell to my death again. This should be your guys main concern like I mentioned before. If we have to "be careful" whats the point of going into buildings that have more than one story? These buildings tend to have loot more so than one story buildings. Please make this a priority over adding more weapons and loot.

May 10 2016, 6:45 PM · DayZ
momo91 added a comment to T92615: Glitch deaths....

This sort of thing happened to me. I had all top gear with my sniper long scope, M4 with all the accessories, a ton of food, ton of ammo, all nice gear. I entered into an apartment complex to search for different clothes, as I set my m4 down to eat it disappeared. I checked all the floors underneath and as I came up to the last floor my character ran straight through the way and fell to his death. This is unacceptable even in alpha and should be fixed before anymore guns or anything else is added. You cannot expect people to continue to pay to be a game tester when these basic bugs have not been fixed. Until this IMPORTANT ISSUE is resolved I will not be logging in to play. If I cant enter a building without the fear of falling through a wall to my death. This has also happened to other people in my group and is very discouraging for us. Please spend more time on this issue as it is more important than adding new loot.

May 10 2016, 6:45 PM · DayZ
momo91 added a comment to T88013: Items temporarily disappearing when dropped on the ground..

this has happened to me with many items including full ammo boxes

May 10 2016, 4:02 PM · DayZ