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Feb 5 2014, 6:25 PM (581 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

mikey_low added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

unable to play a game since the new patch, i died (randomly) and since then i am having this same exact issue.

Tried to remove the config and save file, that has worked once for me (out of 20 tries), tried to first join a HC server, then a regular , nothing.

Game seems broken after this patch

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ
mikey_low added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

thanks for the tips , but unfortunatly nothing is working for me at this point in time. Tried every single tip given in getting past this issue, but nothing seems to work.

1: login to server where i was online - failed
2: dup glitch to log into server - failed
3: removing config and save file, create new char - failed
4: changing in-game name - failed
5: tried joining HC servers - no result
6: exited steam completely, rebooted, tried again using all of the above points - failed.

I've been trying since yesterday afternoon to log into a game, no luck so far. Must have been trying to log in for a few hours now, no luck.

Hope they patch this ASAP, love to get back into the game :)

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ