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- User Since
- Apr 10 2013, 4:00 AM (622 w, 23 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
marinesharp added a comment to T65422: Scripting - Chat Script Commands Not Working for Civilian Side (i.e. groupChat).
I overlooked the requirement of the radio, thank you very much MulleDk19
marinesharp edited Steps To Reproduce on T65422: Scripting - Chat Script Commands Not Working for Civilian Side (i.e. groupChat).
marinesharp added a comment to T62760: copyFromClipboard not returning anything..
I think the command you are looking for is:
player groupChat (str(copyFromClipboard));
which will print the string representation of the clipboard.
I tested running:
copyToClipboard "AnyTextHereToCopy"
player groupChat (str(copyFromClipboard));
and it printed ""AnyTextHereToCopy"" in my chat. Hope this helps.