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User Since
Dec 6 2021, 1:06 AM (167 w, 16 h)

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Dec 6 2021

malickparadox added a comment to T162212: error 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

seriously, PLEASE fix this. Half the reason I even bought a gaming PC in the first place was so that I could play the PC version of your game. It plays wonderfully, and I'm super happy with the mods when I'm able to play the game! I get on and it's a guessing game as to whether I'll make it past the launcher! I've tried restarting my PC, deleting and reinstalling files, mods, the game...nothing helps. I've looked online about it and people are saying it's an issue with how the game's engine processes RAM? If that's true, this is a game that's still being actively patched and updated: is it not something that can be fixed? I shouldn't have to spend an hour or more closing and relaunching the app when I want to get onto a game I paid for.

Dec 6 2021, 1:17 AM · DayZ