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Dec 20 2014, 9:12 AM (535 w, 3 d)

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May 11 2016

major__abdullah added a comment to T107758: character falling into unconscious with throwing a weapon.

its ok i would not mine it being fixed for v0.55 :P

May 11 2016, 3:47 AM · DayZ
major__abdullah edited Steps To Reproduce on T107758: character falling into unconscious with throwing a weapon.
May 11 2016, 3:47 AM · DayZ
major__abdullah added a comment to T107615: Dayz wont start at all.

swiftkiller10 dude no need for all that stuff just right click on dayz in steam click validate game casha and then after its done exit steam and launch steam again dont click dayz instead go to your folders and look for the steam folder and go to....steam/steamapps/common/dayz and then click on dayz not dayz_BE i think what should fix it all right for you :/ just dont do any thing the internet tells you

May 11 2016, 3:42 AM · DayZ
major__abdullah added a comment to T107615: Dayz wont start at all.

now there is 3 driftnet ways to temporally fix this
1=go to the main dayz folder in the steam folder and run it from there
2= if you tryed fix#1 and did not work or if you validate game casha and tried fix#1 and its not ruining the game at all try to go to exp and change back to staple
3=if fix#1-2 did not work try validate the game and exit steam open steam and run the game , first time try running it from steam if it did not work run it from the folder

this might reset you options to default or just make the game windowed like it did to me

one more thing if you run it from steam and it give you that it cant find the patch for the folder and then you clicked the X on the pop-up error then the CMD console show up dont close the CMD console wait tell it close it self
hope this fixed it now this is a temporarily fix not sure if they will fix it in a hotfix update or what but lets just hope so

PS.plz tell me if it works for you :) hope it works

May 11 2016, 3:42 AM · DayZ
major__abdullah added a comment to T106730: Dayz continues to crash. After about 5mins of gameplay?.

after you updated your drives dose it happen any more ?
i had the same thing but when i updated my drive it stopped and i was playing on a laptop so its not your pc or card that making the prop so just tell me if it happens any more if so make sure you upgrade all your drives

May 11 2016, 3:12 AM · DayZ
major__abdullah added a comment to T106726: Definitely Caught A Speed Hacker.

same thing happened to me i was in svet and some random naked man start walking really fast around me it did not seem normal and 1s later my friend told me he saw the same guy and he was in the office building in svet so...

its a new thing where if you see a naked man ruining really fast for your fucking life they are like ghost or mentally sick guys its like i am playing a horror game :I

May 11 2016, 3:12 AM · DayZ
major__abdullah edited Steps To Reproduce on T106474: dear going underwater.
May 11 2016, 3:00 AM · DayZ
major__abdullah added a comment to T106470: All gear removed on login.

this has happened to 1 time when i was trying to do something with my friend server after he retarded it i joined and i was died so i think try waiting 1m before join the same server if it restarted i think its a bug in the game so good luck
oh one more thing it happened when i lost connection to the server

May 11 2016, 3:00 AM · DayZ