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- User Since
- Apr 9 2015, 7:12 AM (516 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
lordhexa edited Steps To Reproduce on T110065: Gathered apples are invisible within the backpack.
lordhexa added a comment to T109384: randomly lock doors on server-restart.
Yeah that's right, so windows must be breakable too. very big story i guess
lordhexa added a comment to T109384: randomly lock doors on server-restart.
unrealistic by the way it's not possible to open/smash locked doors, not the looked-thing as is it ;)
but let's go a little more further with the realistic thingy, if there would be looked houses, you need infected spawns within houses. i dont guess on a apocaliptic szenario like dayz your first thought when seeing a zombie is like 'oh fuck, i need to look all doors before i leave this place'
lordhexa added a comment to T109384: randomly lock doors on server-restart.
it's not very realistic, imho. therefor we need some possibilities to smash (wooden) doors, maybe by axt, guns etc