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- User Since
- Jan 11 2014, 11:44 AM (584 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
lopan997 added a comment to T94170: Loot locations broken - good items now very rare, endorse farming & serverhopping.
Personally I prefer loot to be harder to find. Sence the purpose of the entire game is about surviving a zombie apocalypse, I find it hard to believe that weapons will be lying around all around the place. (same goes for food and other essential survival items)
lopan997 added a comment to T93944: This was a bad idéa [NAME].
Holy moly! Thank you!
lopan997 edited Steps To Reproduce on T93944: This was a bad idéa [NAME].
lopan997 added a comment to T92921: People friendly modification ("Issue").
@ sheLLHD
- They would definetly give it to them as torture or execution method. I guess that'd add a "fun factor" in the bandit life.
- No. I simply see it as him not wanting to pretend to go against his believes even in a video game.
- Anyone who isn't bandit. Peopole always ask "Do you need a bloodbag / bandage".
lopan997 edited Additional Information on T92921: People friendly modification ("Issue").