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User Since
Apr 28 2013, 3:42 PM (619 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

lefiath added a comment to T94253: Stuffed notification in inventory stuck FOREVER.

I confirm that, and I would like to add that my character vomited before (at random, I didn't overdom anything, unless stuffed already means you can't eat or drink anything else), which happened to other people too and it still shows stuffed.

May 10 2016, 7:47 PM · DayZ
lefiath added a comment to T94171: Overpowered Zombies -Survivor detection too sensitive, bleed caused too easily, zombies clip/attack through walls.

This really shouldn't even be here, as zombies are WIP and besides, I don't mind them being an actually threat right now, why do you complain against that I don't understand. They're not that difficult to fight or avoid, you wanna go back to PVP only DayZ?

May 10 2016, 7:44 PM · DayZ