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- User Since
- Sep 5 2014, 5:15 PM (546 w, 1 d)
Jan 5 2017
Jan 4 2017
Binding zoom in/out to another combination fixes it temporarily.
Another way (not for me) is changing to binoculars and back
Vanilla Arma on KOTH zoom sometimes not possible
May 10 2016
Hi, if its the same:
Loading screen does not disappear. Nonetheless, one is able to shoot and walk. Server and Client are running fine.
This is a bugtracker, not a board about 'How things should be done'...
Don't know if it is related.. Played with CAS and normal drones on ure Server and Waypoints are mostly ignored:
Flying towards [0,0] and comming back after a 20minute trip to somewhere or just ignoring the altitude
solved with lowercase filenames and directories, is the issue still not fixed?
Since i was on vacation i could not check for minidumps, but neither are there ones in the server dir, nor in .local/share/*