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Feb 14 2015, 11:28 PM (527 w, 2 d)

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May 11 2016

killerwombat101 added a comment to T107949: Game crashes every 15-20 minutes..

I haven't tried taking out the graphics card yet but I have noticed that when my game crashes there are 20-30 steam icons when you click on the tab that shows the running programs. I just reinstalled steam but haven't gotten a chance to test my game yet, I'll keep you posted.

May 11 2016, 3:53 AM · DayZ
killerwombat101 edited Steps To Reproduce on T107949: Game crashes every 15-20 minutes..
May 11 2016, 3:53 AM · DayZ
killerwombat101 added a comment to T107949: Game crashes every 15-20 minutes..

I tried re-installing drivers and also reverting back to old drivers with no success. Would it make sense to remove my graphics card and try using integrated graphics?

May 11 2016, 3:53 AM · DayZ
killerwombat101 added a comment to T106855: game crashs after roughly 15-40 mins gameplay;the game freezes and the graphics go all funny and usually there is a zombie.

I have a GTX 660 and an I7 4790k. It's pretty unbalanced but I used to be able to play now I can't.

May 11 2016, 3:17 AM · DayZ
killerwombat101 added a comment to T106855: game crashs after roughly 15-40 mins gameplay;the game freezes and the graphics go all funny and usually there is a zombie.

The same thing has been happening to me for about 3 weeks. It usually crashes every 20-25 minutes and goes straight to my desktop without a crash message. I've scoured the internet for a solution but haven't found one so I decided to come here.

May 11 2016, 3:16 AM · DayZ