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User Since
Jan 22 2014, 3:29 AM (581 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

kilak added a comment to T93362: Servers won't show up.

Same thing for me. Played for 3 hours and the game crashed. When i re booted i couldn't find any servers. I played around with filter settings, checked my firewall, re-installed the game even typed in a server address to direct connect and then it got stuck on waiting on host every single time. Joined my friends game through the steam tab - again got stuck on wait for host screen. waited an hour on one the rest i just kept trying. This was over 6 hours ago now and still no servers....

May 10 2016, 7:16 PM · DayZ
kilak added a comment to T86523: Servers do not show up.

exact same issue for me. I have done everything you have said and it still doesn't work. Cannot join a game through the join a friends game in steam tab either as i get stuck on the "wait for host" screen. Is there any fix for this yet?

May 10 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ