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Sep 24 2014, 5:59 PM (548 w, 1 d)

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May 11 2016

kerayz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

@machas if you read the status report they did add movement heat mechanic. None of that has to do with this, what seems to be, sever related bug. Fact is Vilayer is working as intended and every other server host is broken with temperature. Maybe the dev team are boycotting all other server hosts. Vilayer ftw.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
kerayz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

-Ran to cherno
-Dropped all gear
-Killed myself
-Ran back to gear and geared up fully
-you are cooling off. you are promptly cooling off.

There is NO fix for this currently. It has nothing to do with geared characters coming over to the new patch. Play on Vilayer servers or don't play at all at this point is the only option.

I also love how noone officially responded to this issue or even took control of this ticket. Way to blow those millions up your noses.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
kerayz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

I hear ya. I think i'm a step closer to finding the root cause for us but i need to get to work and can't do more extensive testing on the feet issue. I'm super happy that DayZ team is ignoring this issue just waiting for us to freeze to death while we troubleshoot and risk our hours of playing doing so. C'est la vie.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
kerayz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

nerobp no amount of clothing is going to keep you warm if your footwear is bugged. i believe its FOOTWEAR. we need footwear tests. i think its bugged to the point that even if you find a pair to fix it as soon as you join a server its bugged again.

we need to find a piece of footwear that registers on server join as being existent. once we have this we have a fix for everything.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
kerayz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

I've been on Vilayer servers that work and Vilayer servers that don't work. Playing a server that is 0/40 players does not make me happy sir. There are NO first person Vilayer servers either. This is not a fix. This is what we call a work around. Fixes win where work arounds fail. We shouldn't have to work around their screw up.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
kerayz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

We need someone to find a normal pair of boots. I'm using military. Perhaps even regular sneakers or Jungle boots. Do the same test and see if it sticks.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
kerayz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

I had a funny feeling my boots had something to do with it. I tried to swap out all clothing while running around. One piece at a time. Nothing would stop the cooling off message. I ran to Green Mountain where i was sure a pair of boots would be. I was in luck. Here is what I did:
-took off my old military black boots
-put on new military brown boots
-checked temp = 35.7
-swapped back to my old black boots which were on the floor
-put brown boots in pants in case i needed to test again on a different server
-you are slowly warming up(and all cooling off messages stopped)
-waited 5 minutes and checked temp = 36
-swapped servers to a new server
-you are cooling off again.
-put brown boots on floor
-took off black boots
-put on brown boots
-you are cooling off again. ?????????????????????????? is it the boots that are bugged?

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
kerayz edited Steps To Reproduce on T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.
May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ