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- User Since
- Dec 19 2013, 8:05 PM (583 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
kaywalsk added a comment to T90323: Firestation of death!.
Currently this is an issue not specific to any type of building. The new apartments has a lot of this instant death too, stepping too close to the elevator shaft before you start climbing the ladder does this almost 100% of the time from my experience.
kaywalsk edited Steps To Reproduce on T89735: Reloading while prone..
kaywalsk added a comment to T89224: Can't see through scope when prone..
Does the same thing for me with the PU scope, didn't notice it with the long range Mosin Scope, though.
kaywalsk edited Steps To Reproduce on T88363: Going over certain objects in the world causes camera to jump..