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User Since
Apr 23 2014, 9:59 AM (568 w, 2 d)

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May 11 2016

justPre set Category to category:featurerequest on T107399: [Suggestion] Manual adjustment of the line of sight.
May 11 2016, 3:35 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

justPre added a comment to T97326: Unfair Advantage.

OK, stop. This is not a democracy, where every user should have some advantages based on his computer. This is supposed to be a game where certain elements have certain functions and these should not be adjustable or optional. In other words turning off these elements is basically cheating.
It's like saying "You can't afford a good pc for Splinter Cell? Well, then play the same game with shitty graphics and to compensate this we deactivated the walls for you, so enjoy that". You break the game.

I had shitty systems too and you know what the solution was? Work for a better system or play with shitty graphics. Or don't play at all. I'm not willing to play a game against people who basically play a different game because their surroundings are totally different to mine and I am forced to play with shitty graphics so I can stand a chance against them.

May 10 2016, 9:34 PM · DayZ
justPre added a comment to T97326: Unfair Advantage.

But well, he has a fair point, while YOU think you are hidden, you are basically not. That's like playing Battlefield and you are sitting behind a car and the other guy doesn't have a car and sees you sitting on the street. Well, you get the point. IMO it should be like the smoke grens in Counter-Strike:
A. Users with bad computers had bad textures, the smoke grens were basically just a grey wall
B. Users with better computers had a nice smoke and could probably see better through the smoke, because it was more realistic.

Devs should push users to get better computers and not punish those who do. Or else deactivate those awful settings, when players are using them just to have an advantage (and not because they have to use them).

May 10 2016, 9:34 PM · DayZ
justPre added a comment to T97326: Unfair Advantage.

It's not about enhancing FPS etc, it's about telling the player "you are save here" while you are not. IMO that's a big difference. If I can't trust the environment then it's a totally different game.

May 10 2016, 9:34 PM · DayZ
justPre added a comment to T97294: almost impossible to get through doors and climbing stairs with broken leg.

Well, earlier you could just stand and use V to move a bit on the stairs, but it doesn't work anymore. Yeah, I could also get up the police station with broken legs, I too can use Google and Youtube and roll around the floor. But that is cleearly not how it is intended.

May 10 2016, 9:33 PM · DayZ
justPre added a comment to T97294: almost impossible to get through doors and climbing stairs with broken leg.

Yeah, I had a broken leg and I was outside of the blue hospital building. Couldn't get in because of this, so basically this is bullshit.

May 10 2016, 9:33 PM · DayZ