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- User Since
- Jun 17 2015, 9:36 PM (504 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
johannkjerstad added a comment to T112072: Server crashes every time i kill a guy..
Is it this you're looking for?
johannkjerstad added a comment to T112072: Server crashes every time i kill a guy..
I haven't tested another gun, no. Could probobly try later.
Alright cool, looking forward to what you can find.
johannkjerstad added a comment to T112072: Server crashes every time i kill a guy..
Hi again!
Okay, so now i got in touch with my friend and got him to run all the way to me just to kill him. I recorded it all and the server crashed again.
Here's the video of how it went down.
Server info:
Occured at 23:37 (ish) CEST.
johannkjerstad edited Steps To Reproduce on T112072: Server crashes every time i kill a guy..