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- User Since
- Apr 2 2021, 10:17 PM (205 w, 6 d)
Aug 23 2021
The issue is that there have been too many hackers allowed to take advantage of this game and the proof positive are the ID10Ts like the above comment. Their only goal is to hurt the player base period. The pettiness of one or two players (hackers) who dont like something ruining it for 100's if not 1000's of players is in it self hateful.
Apr 2 2021
BI team. It is my hope that you recognize the impact this will have on future sales of the DayZ game and extended content. The outcry of the community to resolve these vicious attacks is overwhelming. The player base is indeed community driven as well as the purchasing of the game from friends of friends. The culprit who is causing this has made demands from removing admins to wanting money so it will stop, no different than the common criminal. He is very savvy and aware that the attack on the base engine will not show up on the mods as they are looked through in hind sight. The sole purpose of this person is to "ruin" the game. Not for the admins, but for the players, period.