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Jul 11 2014, 10:31 PM (558 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

indo added a comment to T88115: When I open the game, my screen flickers and then I just get black!.

I usually dont use beta drivers. What I have installed currently is the latest stable release Catalyst 14.4
My keyboard is a shortened one, it doesn't have a numpad so i couldn't try the keystroke you suggested. So all I did was change the DayZ.cfg and entered my resolution 2560x1440 instead of what it was set to by default (640x480)

It worked!

I'm running into some new issues now but this specific problem is now resolved.

May 10 2016, 4:07 PM · DayZ
indo added a comment to T88115: When I open the game, my screen flickers and then I just get black!.

Is it possible to get more active support? I know I agreed to spending the money on this game knowing it was buggy. But at this point I've spent money and not been able to get any kind of positive experience out of it. Do you do phone support? Really want to get this sorted!

May 10 2016, 4:07 PM · DayZ
indo added a comment to T88115: When I open the game, my screen flickers and then I just get black!.

Already verified the integrity of the game cache the other day, but did it again now. All files successfully validated. Removed the files in the folders you mentioned. Tried to disable Crossfire in Catalyst aswell. Still just getting a black screen.

May 10 2016, 4:07 PM · DayZ
indo added a comment to T88115: When I open the game, my screen flickers and then I just get black!.

Uploaded the files.

I read somewhere that you need to uninstall AMD Catalyst completely to install the new 14.x which i didn't do.
When i tried uninstalling it, i got error 1719 "Windows Installer Service cannot be accessed". So I ended up just installing 14.4 ontop of 13.12 which i decided to rectify. I did System Restore to before I upgraded to 14.4 and found a registry fix for my problem with Windows Installer Service, applied it, rebooted and the 13.12 uninstall went smooth. Rebooted and then installed 14.4 - made me feel good to do this, but unfortunately I'm still just getting a black screen when I start the game. There was some progress though, I could hear birds chirping away. Seems like the game is totally running, just not communicating with my monitor =/

May 10 2016, 4:07 PM · DayZ
indo added a comment to T88115: When I open the game, my screen flickers and then I just get black!.

Hi, I just bought DayZ and am having the same issue Dperilli21 reported. Game hasn't ever started successfully. It gives me a black screen at startup and sometimes greenish matrix-like flickering, but mostly black. Game doesn't actually "crash" it keeps running black screen, i can tab out and back into it.

Tried running dxdiag located in Steam\SteamApps\common\DayZ\_CommonRedist\DirectX\Jun2010\dxdiag.exe
Didn't resolve the issue.

Running 2x AMD R9 290's
Catalyst 13.12
Win 7 x64

Will try downloading latest Catalyst drivers when i get home.

EDIT: Installed Catalyst 14.4 and still having same issue. Any suggestions?

May 10 2016, 4:07 PM · DayZ