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- User Since
- Dec 24 2013, 8:25 AM (583 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
huNt3r edited Steps To Reproduce on T90431: [NOCLIP] Zombies not regarding clipping.
huNt3r added a comment to T89287: Blood regeneration.
Ludwig this is not fixed. It is still currently happening. I've eaten more than 7 packs of tuna, drank more than 5 cantines (approximately 15 packs of tuna, 20 cantines) and still gray scale / colorblind. Bugged.
huNt3r added a comment to T89287: Blood regeneration.
Same issue here. I have been getting my ass kicked by zombies, disinfected my wounds with alcohol / vitamin pills.... colorblind status. I either need Saline or a blood transfusion and that doesn't seem to be capable of being found very easily.
This needs a fix ASAP. We should regenerate blood after a period of time for eating and drinking. 15+ hours with no color = MAJOR PAIN IN THE REAR