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holmxs (Michael)


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User Since
Oct 7 2018, 8:14 PM (335 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 5 2021

holmxs added a comment to T161755: Hit markers PC Experimental Update 1.15 - Version 1.15.154306.

The hit indicator feels so out of place and just doesn't fit DayZ. It really feels like this is just catering to more casual players. I know myself and many other players find enjoyment figuring out and pin pointing where we are getting shot from. If you give me a hit indicator then that takes away that aspect of the game. Big step in the wrong direction if you ask me. There’s no point in setting up a ambush now because literally the person will just know the direction you shot from and more than likely will just kill you because of that. Please don't implement this to the game. Sadly if it does get implemented I can see a bunch of people stop playing the game all together or just finding a server that doesn't use it. which I imagine all of them will. I never leave feedback for any games but I went out of my way to leave one for this patch. DayZ is a phenomenal game please don't ruin it with this feature.

Nov 5 2021, 5:29 PM · DayZ