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Feb 15 2014, 11:26 AM (577 w, 16 h)

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May 10 2016

heyreoo added a comment to T95275: FATAL GLITCH *STUCK IN THE SEA*.

Oh I didn't notice and he's in exactly same situation as me. I broke my bones and then went to the sea and then this happened. I didn't know we couldn't respawn with broken bones. I hope somebody kills me but it seems impossible since I'm at the sea bottom. We need "respawn" to work during broken bones

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T95275: FATAL GLITCH *STUCK IN THE SEA*.

I wonder when it's going to be fixed.. but seems like I can't play until it's fixed.

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
heyreoo set Category to category:characters on T95275: FATAL GLITCH *STUCK IN THE SEA*.
May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

No problem. I hope this solution would work for you. It should work if you can see inventory during "You are dead." screen which shows you aren't actual dead. Just be patient till your char gets starve, soon you should be able to respswn. I'm sorry I don't know how long, but I had to change server 3 times till I get starve and die. I've kicked out twice by leaving it for hours.

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

Yes, exactly. But I'm not sure how many times you have to change server, it really depends on a person. You can check your character's condition by clicking tab key. So just check your status sometimes, once you are starving, you are almost there. Just wait for few minutes, you will find out that tab key doesn't work anymore. Then press ESC, respawn should be available.

I happened to find this solution on other site where discussing about this bug, I forgot which site but some people were saying they could get out of this glitch by this so I tried it myself. And it worked. This is probably the only troubleshooting that works for this glitch, as far as I tried other troubleshootings.

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

Exactly. I left game open over the night with "you are dead" screen. I woke up and checked out, I was kicked off the server. So I joined another server, I was getting "hungry", I wasn't hungry before I left the game last night so even if server kicks you out for being not playing, don't worry. The process is saved. Just join another server then and wait till you starve. You will realize that "Tab" doesn't show inventory if you are really DEAD. Then you can respawn. Just keep the game open and left it for hours with "you are dead" screen. As long as tab key works, you aren't dead. So respawn is greyed out. All you have to do is leave the game open and wait for hours. I hope it helps!

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

@R834 yeah I can play hardcore but I don't enjoy playing hardcore. Only few people playing that mode and mostly I hate FPS in DayZ. I really miss playing DayZ, not hardcore :(

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

I'm happy to provide you this good news. I CAN FINALLY PLAY DAYZ! I could manage to get out of this glitch finally. If you guys are still stuck in this glitch, just check out if you still can SEE inventory after "You are dead", it means you are actually NOT dead.

All you have to do is keep the game open and wait until you die by starving, and then you can RESPSWN. Done! As far as I tried every troubleshooting, this is the only way it worked for me. Sorry for bad english. Have fun :D

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

I'm disappointed but keep up the good work. Hope we will be able to play DayZ in next update after the update on March 5 :( It's just a suggestion, could you guys build a server that 100% force us to reset/delete character? No server with "delete" didn't work. Or add an option to delete our character, at least as first aid until the bug gets fixed. So we can play the game!

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

The more time passes by, more people will likely get in this glitch and not being able to play. I'm sure there are a lot more people who are experiencing this problem, just they aren't reporting here. I saw these kind of people claiming on steam community and other sites. If this issue will take a long time to get fixed like for a month or more, you guys would better add an option to 100% delete/reset our character, it will REALLY help and we'll appreciate it. Even if one of new glitch showed up which is like this bug that makes the game unable to play, if there's this option we can restart the game. We definitely need it, it's way better than no option to delete progress/character. Most game have it. Please consider :)

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

Thank you Accolyte, I saw tumblr, that you guys will release new update on March 5. Is this bug going to be fixed in the latest update? It's been already a month since I can't play the game. We've been waiting for so long already, hope to play after the update.

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

I can't do step #3 cause respawn is greyed out :/

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

I searched some ways to fix this issue but no way helped me get out of this glitch so far. It's been a long time since I haven't been able to play this game.. this is so frustrating we can't even play the game. Are devs working on this issue?

May 10 2016, 8:14 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

Thank you I'm going to try that!

May 10 2016, 8:14 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

Tried both ways. I joined every server with delete character but nothing changed my situation :(

May 10 2016, 8:14 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

When is this going to be fixed? Haven't been played for 1 month already though

May 10 2016, 8:14 PM · DayZ
heyreoo added a comment to T94984: Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues.

I feel you Keller, I'm totally in the same situation I haven't been able to play for already 2 weeks. I miss playing the game, hope dayz developers are currently working on this issue.

May 10 2016, 8:14 PM · DayZ