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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 1:27 PM (586 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
hadenvde added a comment to T92306: Rubber Banding/Teleporting/no clipping worse since latest patch.
im au player as well man, i followed the same path, i played for about 10 minutes, after getting shot numerous times, got a good spawn and just teleported through buildings
hadenvde added a comment to T92306: Rubber Banding/Teleporting/no clipping worse since latest patch.
tbh if i say they havent really tested it, that isnt that bad, its pointing out the obvious
hadenvde added a comment to T92306: Rubber Banding/Teleporting/no clipping worse since latest patch.
it does come across bitchy, i enjoy the game, but, if it says fixed, and not only me are getting issues with it, then they haven't tried out to see if there are any changes
hadenvde edited Steps To Reproduce on T92306: Rubber Banding/Teleporting/no clipping worse since latest patch.
hadenvde edited Additional Information on T89115: Specific player/zombie sounds when they are not present.
hadenvde set Category to category:characters on T88742: Spawning under buildings.