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- User Since
- May 18 2015, 11:39 AM (509 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
gungula added a comment to T115244: Binoculars - view is very jumpy every 3 seconds.
Did you maybe eat a person? This causes twitching every few seconds. Happens when aiming guns too, very annoying, and incurable. Just like real life, the only cure for cannibalism is death.
gungula edited Steps To Reproduce on T115176: Prison island piers are placed too high.
gungula added a comment to T115135: cannot empty fuel from gasoline canister (jerry can) except by drinking.
gungula edited Steps To Reproduce on T115135: cannot empty fuel from gasoline canister (jerry can) except by drinking.
gungula edited Steps To Reproduce on T114856: burning torch placed in inventory while drinking.
gungula edited Steps To Reproduce on T111219: Holding rifle in hands while sitting prevents items from moving in your inventory.
gungula edited Steps To Reproduce on T111195: steaks stored in tents and barrels while hot do not cool down.
gungula edited Steps To Reproduce on T111193: Winchester m70 ammo labelled .308mm when taking rifle into hands.
gungula added a comment to T111190: Glitched into a room with no exit..
I have heard one way to fix this is to log into a high-ping server, i.e. one that's located far away from you, sprint at the wall and quit the game just as you get to the wall. Do not hit esc and choose Exit to quit, use Alt+F4 or if you're windowed, hit the red X.
gungula edited Steps To Reproduce on T111184: icon for cooked steak stored in tent goes missing after relog.
gungula edited Steps To Reproduce on T111062: crossbow holo sight projects range numbers onto scenery when prone - 1pp.