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- User Since
- Feb 2 2014, 8:43 PM (578 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Tried to play again for the first time since the 7th of Feb. Still crashing in wasteland. Tried two different sandbox mods. Attached are my two separate dump files. I turned my graphics settings to standard for both attempts.
Last crash I joined a server and sat in one spot. After about 5-8 minutes the game crashed. I was in windowed mode.
crashed again, after 2 minutes or so in a GSN wasteland server. I had removed all cache files, config file, and profiles prior to entering. Was in a helicopter as copilot when the second crash occurred.
Issue has been happening to me the last few weeks as well. I have tried updating my NVIDIA drivers, adjusting video settings, removing mp cache content, validating local cache. My crash report / dxdiag are located here: